for the formation of priests for Dioceses and Religious Congregations
for English-speaking men over 30, with students from, at present, 10 countries
under the guidance of the Bishops' Conference of England and Wales
For the Summer months.....
The exams are over, the Deacons are newly ordained (3) and the Priestly Ordinations (7) are taking place over these coming weeks and months….. so the College has emptied out for the summer months. Not that the summer will be all that ‘empty’ for the College buildings themselves as, no sooner did the seminarians and guests leave, than the workers moved in for the summer works – this year the renewal and refurbishment of some of our guest provision.
Like any house, it is always best to do works in a regular and structured manner and over the past 9 years that I have been here in Rome we have not had a summer free from works in June and July and August – but that means that, well cared for and presented, the building itself is in good order.
‘The Beda’ is, of course , not to be reduced simply to the building – that is merely the surrounding, the context in which our life is lived, where we engage in our unique programme of formation for those who are coming to seminary at a later age. While it is important to ‘keep on top of’ the needs – and challenges - of the bricks and mortar, ultimately it is the Mission that matters. The mission of the Ordained is to support and enhance the proclamation of the Gospel not only within our parish communities but also to the wider society which is in ever-greater need of the proclamation of a Truth and a Love which enhances and gives dignity to all our human encounters and which ultimately leads us to the Beatific Vision.
Once again, thank you for the prayerful and practical support you give to our work of Formation and the preparation of our seminarians for The Mission.
Father Philip
Read the Rector's September article for the Catholic Pictorial