for the formation of priests for Dioceses and Religious Congregations
for English-speaking men over 30, with students from, at present, 10 countries
under the guidance of the Bishops' Conference of England and Wales
Between the two halves of the year – the two Semesters – our seminarians travel out of Rome to spend a period in retreat; it is an important part of the time of Formation that there are some days of peace and quiet which allow us to see what we do and all that we are called to become as rooted more intensely in prayer and in the searching for God which is the essence of our lives.
We are immensely fortunate to be able to timetable these days of retreat into our yearly calendar and indeed we are grateful to those who – for the good of the seminarians – enable us to do this in very practical ways. We are equally aware that there are plenty of people in our parishes who, for a multitude of reasons, cannot take several days to ‘go away on retreat’ and yet recognize the importance of the opportunities and occasions of silence and the space to ‘Come away with me. Let us go alone to a quiet place and rest for a while.' ( Mark 6;31 )
In this Holy Year as we are Pilgrims of Hope, and pilgrims into a fuller understanding of Christian Hope, may we seize the opportunities for such periods of recollection – and also enable others to do the same.
Father Philip
Read the Rector's Februaryarticle for the Catholic Pictorial