In September 2017, and again in 2018, 2019 and 2021, we held weekends of discernment at St Beuno's Spirituality Centre in north Wales for men aged over 30. The weekends were a great success. There was much discussion about discernment for vocation in later life and each person realised that as older men they were not alone in their sense of vocation to priesthood or religious life. The weekends took place in a prayerful spirit, mainly in silence but with some input about discernment and decision making and an opportunity for one-to-one meetings.
A further weekend will take place in 2022, from Friday to Sunday 2nd to 4th September. Please promote this among any suitable candidates at the earliest opportunity as there are only limited places.
Details and a booking form can be found at :Discernment Weekend for Older Men | Pathways to God and a poster and flier about the weekend are also be available.
During the year we have extended periods of prayer with Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament to pray for Vocations. In addition our Mass on the first Friday of each month is offered for vocations. Please join with us in praying the following prayer from the Roman Missal:
O God, who willed to provide shepherds for your people,
pour out in your Church a spirit of piety and fortitude,
to raise up worthy ministers for your altars
and make them ardent yet gentle heralds of your Gospel.
Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
In early 2019, a flier was sent to Bishops and Vocations' Directors to keep the name of the Beda in their thoughts when prospective students apply. The countries covered so far are Australia, Canada, India and the Nordic States.
A copy of the flier can be seen here:
Promotional flier
This carved statue of St Bede by Fenwick Lawson stands in the entrance lobby of the Beda College
An article written by Westminster student, John Tabor, was ordained in 2018, about his first joyful and fulfilled year of priesthood.
Find the link here
The homily preached on his 25th anniversary of ordination by past student Tim Dean of Westminster Diocese.
Find the link here