We have seven new fulltime seminarians joining us this September. In addition, we have an Anglican ordinand with us for two months, and a new external Rosminian student who will be studying with us throughout the academic programme. A visit to St Peter’s for Mass is one of the earliest gatherings that we organize. We were in the Polish Chapel with a replica of the icon of Our Lady of Częstochowa.
On the afternoon of Saturday (23 September 2023) the new members of the College accompanied some of the older ones on a walk led by St Patricia. We started at the Colosseum and made our way down the Foro Imperiale to view the forum from the Capitoline Hill; thence to the Jewish quarter, Tiber Island, and Trastevere. The Janiculum followed and we made our way down to Lungotevere, past the Bambino Jesu Hospital, and relative ease of a bus journey home.