The College celebrated its Patronal Feast in an intimate and outgoing way. We gathered for Morning Prayer at 09.30 followed by a joyful celebration of the Eucharist at 11.30. The many College guests were invited for a splendid buffet dinner in the evening, beginning at 19.00: our fine garden is perfect for this. The small selection of pictures below will give a flavour of how the day unfolded. Happily, the threated rain did not materialize. Four members of the Ordination Year of 2013 were able to join us as part of the celebration of their tenth anniversary. We shared a ubique sense of closeness to Beda members around the world, living and dead; and, in particular, with the Beda Association.
Today the College celebrates our Patron, the Northumbrian Monk Bede, who died in the year 735 and is widely recognised as not only a great historian but also a great learned figure of Anglo-Saxon England. His scholarship covered a huge range of subjects, including commentaries on the bible, observations of nature, music and poetry. The Opening Prayer at Today’s Mass speaks of a marriage in the learned Monk of the gifts of wisdom and merit ( virtue ) and in our own lives as disciples of Christ Jesus we ask for his intercession and inspiration that we may emulate our Patron ! Here in Rome tomorrow we keep the Feast of Saint Philip Neri, known as ‘ il santo sorridente’ , the smiling Saint. In the work of evangelization let us call on both of these saintly figures so that WISDOM, VIRTUE and A SMILE will be our gifts to others today ! Saint Bede, pray for us !
12-14 May 2023 This was the last occasion when Year 4 would meet for a reflective ‘weedend away’. It focused on the whole formation/seminary experience and the prospect of crossing the threshold of leaving the College. There were lots of happy, poignant and courageous moments: memories, reminiscences and anticipations. The Divine Word retreat centre at Nemi had lots of memories too. Despite the drizzly weather, on Saturday afternoon a few responded to the urge to walk round the lake.
All of Year 1 received the Ministry of Reader at this joyful Wednesday evening Mass. They were joined by their guests and enjoyed a shared supper together afterwards. Each of the new Readers received a copy of The New Oxford Annotated Bible.