The theme for Christian Unity Week this year is DO GOOD; SEEK JUSTICE (Isaiah 1:12-18). At the Beda we highlighted the theme linked to Day 8 of the ecumenical prayer cycle ‘The Justice that restores Communion’, using Ephesians 2:13-22 and Luke 18:1-8 as the other inspirational passages from Scripture. Our celebration took place on the evening of the Saturday in the Unity Octave. We were joined by many guests and members from other Christian communities in Rome. Fr Martin Brown osb, an official at the Dicastery for Christian Unity (Holy See) preached the homily. He has studied in Durham where he found a great affinity for St Bede. As a shared Symbolic Action we crafted sprigs of olive branch into a mesh-woven cross. The olive tree takes more than twenty years to produce fruit - indeed the one in the Beda orchard has only fruited in the last couple of years - and its branches betoken a climate of friendship in which that growth can happen. After the Service in church we joined our guests for a delightful Buffet Supper in the student common room.