Fr Louis Rieunier from Plymouth Diocese has been appointed as spiritual director at the Beda from the summer. He replaces Fr Peter who is returning to active retirement in his diocese of Lancaster after eleven years at the Beda. The announcement was made in Plymouth Diocese this morning. Fr Louis said: "I am happily looking forward to returning to the Beda, where I undertook my own formation to the priesthood, and taking-up my new appointment." We keep Louis in our prayers as he makes his preparation.
After the February break, the Second Semester began with the annual retreats. This year Third and Fourth Years went to Bagnoregio from 14th to 22nd February for their pre-Ordination Canonical Retreat which was given by Mgr Pat Kilgarriff. First and Second Years went to the Divine Word Centre in Nemi from 14th to 20th February for a preached retreat given this year by Fr David Glenday MCCJ (Comboni Missionary).