On a beautiful sunny autumn day twenty nine members of the college, staff and students, travelled to the Benedictine Monasteries of Sacro Speco and St Scholastica in Subiaco. An excellent guided tour in both monasteries described the history, art work, significance and spirituality of the place we were in. An informative and enjoyable day was had by all. Click here to see all the photos.
Sixty one years ago today Pope John XXIII came to the Beda to open the new college building. The present community celebrated Mass for the anniversary this morning and later today there will be a reception for invited friends and guests with a buffet supper. We remember especially on this day the students and staff who have passed through the college during that 61 years.
After a prayerful time of Recollection given by Fr John Carlyle at the weekend for the whole house, lectures began this morning. In spite of the rain and a Rome transport strike all was in place for a prompt 9.00am start to the semester. Sensible precautions to protect against Covid are in place but thankfully all classes are 'live' in classrooms. Please keep us all in your prayers as we embark on this year's work.
The new students, together with many returning students, attended the Wednesday Audience of the Holy Father in the Paul VI Audience Hall. Tickets had been obtained for good seats near the front and the Pope came close to our group as he walked about after his address. The college now prepares for University registration and the time of recollection for the opening of year over this weekend.
There have been many opportunities this week to discover Rome and to travel to local places. A walk round central Rome on Wednesday; a day trip to Grottaferrata, Castel Gandolfo and Nemi on Friday; the Catacombs of San Callisto and the Ardeatine caves on Saturday; and Mass in Santa Maria in Trastevere on Sunday. Over 60 photographs of these events can be accessed by clicking the title above.