We heard today of the death in hospital in Dublin earlier this week of Fr Jim Downey OSA who taught Scripture to many generations of Beda students. An article he wrote for the Beda Review in 2018 can be found by clicking the photo above. His funeral Mass takes place in Cork tomorrow morning at 11.00. May he rest in peace.
About 50 priests from England and Wales who are celebrating their ruby, golden and diamond jubilees this year came to the college today and enjoyed traditional Beda hospitality. They brought with them the joy of their years as priests and shared their stories with students and staff. Click the picture for more photos.
The annual Academic Mass took place today and Vice Chancellor of St Mary's University Francis Campbell publicly congraulated those who had obtained degrees during the past academic year. The Mass was followed by a celebration meal to give thanks for all the academic achievements over the past twelve months.
It was the turn of the Beda on 10th November to lead the Remembrance Day Mass in San Silvestro for the UK community in Rome. Fr John Breen was the main celebrant and preacher, servers and sacristans were on duty, and our schola provided the music.
The latest issue of the Beda Review was toasted with a glass of Prosecco in the garden before lunch today. The Rector introduced it and welcomed the new editor Markus Ohlsson and deputy Mike Smith who have started preparing next year's Review.