Richard Masanja, one of our external Rosminian students, will be ordained deacon this evening at Porta Latina. Richard, from Tanzania, is in his fourth year at the Beda. He made his Final Vows as a Rosminian in December and today, along with two others, he will be ordained by Archbishop Fisichella. Congratulations, best wishes and prayers for him today and into the future. Ad Multos Annos.
The final lectures of the first Semester took place today and oral exams begin in earnest next week. Most Year groups have an exam each day so an air of quiet and concentration, mixed with a few nerves, and prayers for guidance, pervades the college at this time. Best wishes to all in this important week.
A symbolic exchange of links of a chain formed the central action of the Beda Unity Service last night. It was attended by many representatives of the different Christian denominations present in Rome and an inspiring address was given by Archbishop Bernard Ntahoturi. Photographs of the Service and the celebrations afterwards are available by clicking the title above.
The annual Service for the week of prayer for Christian unity takes place this evening in the Beda college chapel. Guests from many Christian denominations will be present and the address this year is to be given by Archbishop Bernard Ntahoturi, the Archbishop of Canterbury's representative and the Director of the Anglican Centre in Rome. The Service will be followed by the customary celebration meal.
Tish Nicoll is visiting the Beda this week for work with individual students on their speaking and singing. Each student works individually with Tish to improve their public speaking and, in some cases, their singing. Tish's presence is always welcome, and the improvements of clarity and projection in the weeks following her visits are always noticeable. Many thanks to her for the time and care she takes with each and every one of us.
The first visits from Diocesan Vocations Directors took place two days after we returned from the Christmas break. Bishop John Sherrington and Fr John O'Leary from Westminster and Fr Gerard Flynn from Portsmouth Diocese came for lunch on Tuesday and took time to see their students. We thank them for their visits and look forward to visits from other Vocations Directors in the coming year.
Students and staff returned to College yesterday and lectures began today after the Christmas and New Year break. In his New Year greeting, the Rector pointed out that 2018 will mark 120 years since the Beda was given its name. The Collect of this morning's Mass from the first week of Ordinary Time gave a theme for everyone for 2018, "...that they may see what must be done, and gain strength to do what they have seen."