Nine Canadian Archbishops and fifteen Bishops visited the Beda this evening to share a meal at the end of their Ad Limina visit to Rome. They were led by their President, Archbishop Gagnon of Winnipeg, who is an old boy of the Beda College.
The tradition of inviting the other colleges for a mid-Lent "Oasis" of Mass followed by a festive meal continued today. It was the turn of the English College to visit us and 42 students and staff joined us for the celebrations. Bishop of Shrewsbury Mark Davies, who is visiting the English College this week, was the principal celebrant at the Mass. See photos of this event on our Flickr account.
The Beda College together with St Beuno’s Spirituality Centre in north Wales, are running a discernment weekend for men between the ages of 30 and 55. The primary focus of the weekend is the possibility of priestly vocation in later life so it is limited to men between the ages of 30 and 55. However, it is also suitable for men not specifically considering priesthood as it is not presumed that any major choice or commitment will be made during the weekend. It will take place at St Beuno’s from 15th to 17th September 2017. A poster and flier can be downloaded from the website home page. Please promote this to anyone who may be interested.
Eleven second year students received the Ministry of Acolyte last night from Archbishop Bernard Longley. The Mass was followed by a festive meal to celebrate and give thanks for our new Acolytes. (Click the title on the webpage to see the names and dioceses of those who received the Ministry.) We wish all new new Acolytes every blessing as they progress on their vocational path. Ad Multos Annos!
The annual visit from the three bishops who support and oversee the college on behalf of the Bishops' Conference of England and Wales begins today. Archbishop Longley, Bishop Campbell and Bishop Drainey will meet with staff and students during their two day visit. Archbishop Longley will also preside tonight at the Mass for the admission of our second year students to the Ministry of Acolyte.
The Cause for Beatification for former student Fr Thomas Byles has been introduced by Brentwood Diocese. Fr Byles was ordained in Rome on 15 June 1902. He was a passenger on the Titanic in 1912 and ministered to the people as the ship sank, refusing a place in a lifeboat so that he could continue to minister to the other passengers. A fuller biography, the prayer for his Beatification, and a contact in Brentwood Diocese can be found on the website History tab.