The history of the life of the college since September 2011 is now available in our Flickr account. To see the record of major events in chronological order, go to the History tab on the website home page and click on 'Photos of past events'. Nearly 2000 photos of the past six years are now available to view.
The house will be quite empty this weekend as second and third years go to the Centro ad Gentes in Nemi for a weekend course on sexuality led by Dr Brendan Geary, Provincial of the Marist Brothers. They return on Sunday afternoon.
Abbot Timothy Wright, former spiritual director at the Beda College, received a prestigious award recently from President Rouhani of Iran. This was the first prize ever awarded in Teharan for interreligious dialogue. Abbot Timothy recieved the award in person and in return gave President Rouhani a copy of his book. The full article from the Tehran Times about the award ceremony can be found by clicking the title above.
At the beginning of the second semester, the annual retreats take place. Starting today, first and second years have an in-house retreat which will led by Fr Hugh Sinclair, until recently spiritual director at Oscott College. Third year go to Bagnoregio for their pre-diaconate retreat led by Mgr Patrick Kilgarriff. Fourth year travel to Nemi for their pre-ordination retreat which is an individually guided retreat. Fr Nick King SJ and Fr Peter Verity are the guides on this retreat. Please keep all the retreatants in your prayers during this important time.
The oral examinations at the end of the first semester finish today, and a well-earned rest begins. Everyone returns by Sunday 12th and the second semester starts with the annual retreats on 13th February.