Four of our deacons were invited to take part in the Papal Vespers on the Feast of the Conversion of St Paul in St Paul's Basilica. Michael Barret (Liverpool) and John Warnaby (Westminster) were deacons at the papal throne. Patrick Aboagye (Konongo-Mampong, Ghana) and Brillis Mathew (Vicariate of Southern Arabia) were deacons of the altar. Click on the title above to see the full Vatican YouTube of the event.
For the first time, the Beda Review is now available on line. The latest volume of the Beda Review, 2015-2016, can be accessed on the College Website under Beda life/Beda Review. Hard copies are still available from the Beda College.
The Beda Service to mark the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity took place this evening. About twenty guests representing the main Christian denominations resident in Rome participated in a prayerful service followed by a festive meal. The Rev Dana English from All Saints Church gave the sermon. Click the title above to see photos.
A presentation on some recent research by Marriage Care UK was given this evening to the college. Dr Clare Watkins who had undertaken the research spoke about the findings and the implications for Catholic marriage preparation. The team from Marriage Care are due to meet with Cardinal Farrell tomorrow morning.
Former students and many others will be aware that two or three times a year Tish Nicholl comes to the college for a week of individual tuition in public speaking and voice training. Tish arrived today and has a full programme of appointments with all the students during the coming week.
After the Christmas break, lectures resume today for the remaining weeks of the first semester. A welcome visitor in the house at this time is the former rector, Mgr Rod Strange, taking his own post-Christmas break.