Christo spectante curramus - from the Sermons of St Bede
Fenwick Lawson's sculpture of Bede which stands at the college entrance
Carved from a 150-year-old Chestnut tree, which grew in the precincts of Durham Cathedral.
Presented to the College on 25 May 2001 by the Soane Family in memory of Fr Brendan Soane and Sr Philippa Crofton-Sleigh FMDM.
The statue stands in the entrance hall of the College.
De Sermone sancti Bedae Venerabilis Presbyteri.
Ex Sermone 18. de Sanctis.
Therefore, may it be our delight to go on unto this prize of good living. Freely and cheerfully let us strive in the race, running under the eyes of God and of Christ. We have already taken a station above floating and earthly things, and let us allow no love for things fleeting to hamper our running. If the last day shall find us lithe and speedful in the race of good living, we shall never have to complain that our Master is a scanty rewarder of our works.
Ad hanc igitur operum salutarium delectet nos pervenire palmam. Libenter ac prompte certemus, omnes in agone justitiae Deo et Christo spectante curramus; et qui saeculo et mundo majores esse jam coepimus, cursum nostrum nulla saeculi cupiditate tardemus. Si expeditos, si celeres in operis agone currentes dies nos ultimus invenerit, nusquam Dominus meritis nostris deerit remunerator.
V. Tu autem, Dómine, miserére nobis.
R. Deo grátias.